The “Map of Affirmative Action” consists of an illustrative and georeferenced map of current models of racial quotas in public service entrance examinations in Brazil. Its goal is to systematize and share updated information on the functioning of racial quotas in public service entrance examinations and on the beneficiaries of this policy. The existing experiences are identified at national, federal, state, and municipal levels, mapping the several existing legal frameworks.

    The Map is a part of the “Affirmative Action and Public Bureaucracy” project, coordinated by Prof. Rebecca Lemos Igreja, developed by the Latin-American College of Global Studies, a Latin-American Faculty of Social Sciences (Faculdade Latino-Americana de Ciências Sociais – FLACSO Brasil) program, in partnership with the Laboratory on Access to Justice and Inequalities (Laboratório de Acesso à Justiça e Desigualdades – LADES), of the Graduate program in Law of the University of Brasilia (Programa de pós-graduação em Direito da Universidade de Brasília – PPGD/UnB). The project is funded by the Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do Distrito Federal – FAP-DF (protocol 24011.93.36198.29052018).

    By clicking on the dots on the map, it is possible to visualize the data related to each entity. On the magnifying glass icon, it is possible to insert filters by coverage, target group, percentage of reserved vacancies, existence of Self-declaration Verification Committees, reservation of commissioned posts, and non-valid legislation.

On the project and the construction of the Map, see: IGREJA, Rebecca Lemos. et al. 2021. Ações Afirmativas e Burocracia Pública: vinte anos de legislação. Brasília: Faculdade Latino-Americana de Ciências Sociais. Available at: