Building the map required the construction of a database of legislation on racially oriented affirmative action in the public service, from which originated the research booklet “Affirmative Action and Public Bureaucracy: twenty years of legislation”. This database’s first foundation were studies developed previously by Gianmarco Ferreira (2017), complemented with research conducted between 2016 and 2021 with continuous information collection (IGREJA, 2021).
The Map is the result of a long field research, carried out at national, federal, state, district, and municipal level, by mapping the various existing legal frameworks, with analysis of legislation, public service entrance examinations calls and other official acts. This mapping was carried out through documental research, internet sites, direct contact by telephone and e-mail with public institutions at distinct levels. It involved, as well, a bibliographic review of previous studies on the topic.
Last update: March 2024.
FERREIRA, Gianmarco Loures. 2017. A lei de cotas no serviço público: sub-representação legal mas ações afirmativas. Rio de Janeiro: Lumen Juris.
IGREJA, Rebecca Lemos. et al. 2021. Ações Afirmativas e Burocracia Pública: vinte anos de legislação. Brasília: Faculdade Latino-Americana de Ciências Sociais. Available at: